EPC Contract – King of the Hills Operations Stage 1 Upgrade

King of the Hill

GR Engineering Services Limited (ASX:GNG) (GR Engineering) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract with Greenstone Resources (WA) Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Vault Minerals Limited (ASX:VAU) (Vault), for the Stage 1 Upgrade for the King of the Hill Operations (the Project). 

The Project is located approximately 900km north east of Perth and 25km north of Leonora within the Goldfieds Region of Western Australia. 

The contract value is $75.1 million including provisional sums. The Project scope comprises the design, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning of the upgrade to the King of the Hills dry processing plant and the wet processing plant. Work will commence immediately. 

Commenting on the award, Mr Tony Patrizi, Managing Director said: 

“We are pleased to have been engaged by Vault to play an important role in upgrading their King of the Hills processing facility. Our clients are increasingly seeking certainty and a track record of performance. GR Engineering has been able to demonstrate this to Vault, including by reference to its proven track record of successfully delivering project outcomes in the Western Australian gold sector.”  


ASX Release

About GR Engineering

GR Engineering specialises in providing fixed price engineering design and construction services to the global resources and mineral processing industries. GR Engineering has a proven track record of delivering integrated project solutions in over 20 countries across all major commodity types. As a group, GR Engineering employs more than 500 professional, technical and support staff throughout Australia and internationally, in addition to a direct construction workforce and subcontracted personnel.

GR Engineering Services Limited is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: GNG).

For further information please contact:

Tony Patrizi

Managing Director

+61 8 6272 6000


Omesh Motiwalla

CFO & Company Secretary

+61 8 6272 6000


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