Design and construction of the 1 Mtpa Higginsville CIL Treatment Plant reached 50% completion by the end of December 2007, with construction on target for commissioning as planned.
Works accomplished during the quarter included:
- Completion of concrete works for primary, secondary and tertiary crushers;
- Leach tanks constructed to full height and launders fitted;
- All crushers delivered to site and installed;
- Process water and raw water dams construction and lining completed;
- Concrete works for the fine ore bin and transfer station completed and commencement of steel and platework;
- Dust collector hopper and steelwork completed;
- Workshop stores building completed.
Executive Director, Tony Patrizi, and a representative from Avoca Mining made another scheduled visit to Citic Heavy Machinery Company Ltd in China to review progress of the ball mill fabrication. Status of the ball mill components were:
- Ball mill girth gear cast and ready for gear cutting;
- Mill shell assembled and ready for grit-blasting and painting;
- Mill heads undergoing final machining;
- Pinion gear to undergo final machining;
- Main bearings completed;
- Baseplates completed.

To read more about the Higginsville project, click here.